Sunday, August 18, 2013

Honey No

I've removed some Honeythief-related content from this blog—the sidebar with the chapter-by-chapter rundown is gone, and I've taken down a bunch of the chapters. This is partly in anticipation of Something Actually Happening with the book, and mostly because I'm just sick of looking at Chapter 62 again every time I click over to this page to hit a link or something.

There are thirty-odd chapters still in the archives, and I may eventually put some up on the workblog (which I really ought to update, I know), but you'll have to dig for them yourself. If you are sincerely put out about this, maybe drop me a line on jack dot feerick dot says at gmail dot com and I'll see what I can do about getting a manuscript copy to you, when such things are ready.

In the meantime, again, you can usually find me on Twitter, often in the process of losing my mind. Thanks for reading.

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