Tuesday, April 10, 2001

Why am I not surprised?

I have at last burst a blood vessel—this in my right eye, leaving half of my squint thickly bloodshot. I had hoped for some of the scary asymmetrical-optic cool of a Thom Yorke, or a Bowie. I’d have settled for Gomez Addams. Or even for young Brian Warner, lead singer for that popular beat combo the young people seem to like so much—the Marillion Mansions, or somesuch (keep music evil, indeed...). (vide Rollo)

But instead, when I look in my mirror, I see Stark—the cell-block boss and bull lifer from Brian Azzarello’s “Hard Time” arc in Hellblazer, a big, sagging lump execrably rendered by Richard Corben.

I am an old man, and I read too many fucking comics.

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