Thursday, March 14, 2002


I've been writing down my dreams, off and on, for years. I don't worry much about what they mean: I just try to follow what they are. But ometimes it's tempting to see prophesies there...
Claire's Mouth, part 1dreamt 3 March 1997
In which my daughter (then ten months old) had sprouted half-a-mouthful of choppers overnight, at the back of her upper jaw—no incisors, no canines, but from the molars on back. With her incisors in her lower jaw fitting into the gap, her mouth closed like two halves of a lock. When she smiled, she looked like a prize-fighter.

Claire's Mouth, part 2
dreamt 10 March 1997
In which Claire could speak, quite fluently, and we knew at last what she was thinking all this time. We were delighted, and then disquieted...

Daddy loves Baby. Does Baby love Daddy?

Well... no, frankly. I'm worried, more than anything. You guys are so much bigger than me, and so much stronger, and you could very easily hurt me if you wanted to: It's an intrinsically unequal relationship, with me so dependent on (and frightened of) you—there's no real basis there for love as such, is there?

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