Friday, January 02, 2004

ÜberList 2004

Idea lovingly ganked from Kelly Sue, who in turn lovingly ganked it from Nikol Lohr...

  1. drop the first 30 pounds: use DietPower

  2. see a doctor

  3. see a dentist

  4. get the moles under my arm looked at

  5. get new clip-on shades

  6. investigate contact lenses

  7. investigate Lasik

  8. bring the bling!

  9. keep up a skin care regimen

  10. get back waxed

  11. less coffee, less soda, more water

  12. eat more vegetables

  13. eat less fat

  14. aerobic exercise three times a week

  15. walk a half-hour every day


  1. see one good movie a week...

  2. ...starting with movies on the List (see sublist 1)

  3. read one book a week...

  4. ...starting with the ones you own but have never read

  5. go to the movies at least four times

  6. subscribe to The New Yorker

  7. subscribe to The New Republic or TNR Digital


  1. [ private ]

  2. [ private ]

  3. [ private ]

  4. go out to dinner once a month

  5. have Jeff & Tammy over for dinner twice a month

  6. write to Steve once a month

  7. call Mom once a week

  8. write to Cathy once a month

  9. write to Dan & Mimi once a month

  10. have dinner with Charlie & Renée

  11. have dinner with Holly & Brad

  12. read with Claire every night

  13. keep up with Claire's school work

  14. send Christmas cards & photos

  15. visit Aunt Anne at least once


  1. get a job

  2. volunteer with the Girl Scouts

  3. investigate paid church choir positions

  4. spend less time overall online: 2 hours/day max

  5. use online time more productively: action plans, prewriting, etc.

  6. vacuum twice a week

  7. TV: 1 full-length movie or 1 hr/night, not before 8 PM

  8. cull books & CDs

  9. rip choice CD cuts to .mp3

  10. donate old books & CDs

  11. recycle

  12. get everything out of the old house

  13. get a new computer/get old computer running (new hard drive)

  14. set up a home network


  1. a house

  2. a new black suit

  3. an electric trimmer

  4. multitrack DAT recorder

  5. acoustic-electric nylon-string guitar

  6. effects pedals (delay, chorus)


  1. update blog three times a week

  2. recommence dream journal

  3. start reading journal

  4. start film journal

  5. participate in Nanowrimo 2004...

  6. ...and finish my novel!


  1. write a general interest magazine article

  2. sell a general interest magazine article

  3. cultivate comics artists

  4. finish OGN script Seven Souls

  5. find an artist for Seven Souls

  6. find out what it would take to get up & running

  7. get up & running

  8. fill a sketchbook


  1. find a local comics shop

  2. take a summer house at the lake

  3. get a membership at the Strong Museum

  4. spend a day at SeaBreeze

  5. take two day-trips to Ontario

  6. see a film at the Eastman House

  7. see a film at the Little Theatre

  8. day trip to Spencerport

  9. go out to see a local band

  10. see some live local theatre or dance

  11. day trip to Skaneateles, including lunch at Doug's

  12. day trip to Ithaca

  13. two day trips to state park(s)

  14. attend Scottish festival this summer


  1. play out once a month

  2. write at least three new songs

  3. find at least three new places to play

  4. learn one pop standard per month (see sublist 2)

  5. learn more about digital recording

  6. record some shows

  7. investigate affordable studio time

  8. record some studio demos

  9. make CDs to sell at shows

  10. play at a summer festival


  1. get Sam baptized

  2. church every weekend!

  3. pray every day, morning & evening

  4. recommence Morning Pages

  5. work through The Artist's Way

  6. work through The Vein of Gold

  7. work through Tarot For Your Self

  8. keep up with Claire's religious education

  9. more compassion, less anger

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