Monday, August 21, 2006

Knock A Little Louder, Sugar

I usually have very little time for The Huffingon Post: even when I'm in broad agreement with the politics of its bloggers, I find their endless self-congratulation wearisome. This, however, is unmissable: What Right-Wingers See When They Read the New York Times. My favorite gag, a comparatively subtle one: watch how the names on the bylines change. (via Loz).

Speaking of right-wing whackjobs: Having spent the morning howling through the President's press conference—howling with disbelieving anger, not laughter—I got a huge kick out of this overview by once-and-former Wonkette Ana Marie Cox, guestblogging for Andrew Sullivan:

Surely I can't be the only person who notices that when George Bush is trying to make a point, HE STARTS TO KIND OF SHOUT. AND PUNCUATE. THE WORDS. WITH PAUSES. ... It's as though he thinks that the reason the press corps doesn't agree with his relatively rosy take on Iraq is because they can't hear him.
Cox promises a full savaging takedown analysis as soon as the official White House transcript goes live. If I were the sort of blogger to use a construction like "*gleegasm*", I'd surely be using it now.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

STICKY: Déja Vu le Loup

The referrer logs for this blog and the now-mostly-defunct gig log indicate that I've gotten a half-dozen hits this week looking for my old band We Saw The Wolf and a few other variants thereon, including several mentioning me by name.

Can't for the life of me imagine who might be looking for this—looking for me, really. I haven't had any contact with anyone in the band in years. Andy? Tim? Mary? Zat you? Or somebody else? Make yourself known, O mysterious blog visitor. Consider this an open invitation.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Because They Don’t Know The Words

It being Summer, the garden is taking up much more of my headspace than the actual time we spend gardening would seem to warrant. This extends to the kitchen (where I spend much of my time) by way of the unexpected success of our lettuces, strawberries, and herbs, as well as our continually-astonishing tomatoes.

Add to this our involvement with a community-supported agricultural project, and our successful (to the tune of two pecks) recent foraging expeditions, and you can see the intersection of cookery and biometrics. When I’m assembling a borscht of CSA beets, CSA potatoes, and CSA onions, I’m not just thinking about seasonings and cooking times—I’m thinking about soil and rainfall and drainage, about grades and sunshine.

And about visitors. Because the thing about a garden is that it becomes a haven. It draws life. Ants crawl up the sticky stems of the peonies and into the sweet petals, while Japanese beetles clusterfuck on the rosebushes, stacked one atop the other in fornicatory piles four or five high.


Liveliest of all are the hollyhocks, which have reached a truly ridiculous size. Here they are about six weeks ago, when they just came up to the top of my head (small child included for scale). They’re perhaps two feet taller than that now, though it’s hard to tell because they’ve started listing badly under their own weight:


These monsters are a free-association trigger par excellence. I cannot look at hollyhocks without thinking of Lone Wolf and Cub, and I can’t look at any plant this big without thinking of Peter Gabriel-era Genesis. What really tickles me, though, is how this gargantua has become a sort of one-stop shop for various little creatures. Fat placid bumblebees crawl laboriously in and out the blooms, dusted ghostily with pollen. Beetles turn the lower leaves, leaves as big as your hand, into green doilies. And least expected of all, showing up long enough and often enough to capture photographic evidence (albeit crappy):


Body no longer than my thumb, wings a low transparent buzz, hovering as if looking for a pin’s head on which to dance—and me at the window, feeling like I’d witnessed some kind of miracle.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rock ‘n’ Roll Is Dead (And I Don’t Feel So Well Myself)

Well, above-the-fold entreaties notwithstanding, my mysterious We Saw The Wolf-seeking blog-browser has neither returned nor revealed hirself; disappointing, if hardly surprising. So that sticky-post is going to disappear down the front page within a week or so.

In implicitly-related news, a reminder that Seven Souls will be deleted on Friday. Interested parties have 48 hours to read and comment.

That is all.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Sometimes the Boy seems to have a pathological aversion to quiet and order, and sometimes he has to go to extreme measures to get the chaos he apparently craves. Today, unsatisfied after a the morning spent scattering a 500-piece jigsaw puzzle to the wind and upending bottles of glue onto the coffee table, he decided to pick up a pump bottle of Deep Woods Off and unload a hefty squirt directly into his own face.

High-test bug spray, kids. 25% DEET, right in the peepers.
Well, now that would do it, wouldn’t it?

Scooped him up, cleared the kitchen counter with one crockery-smashing sweep of the arm, and laid him down on his back with his head over the sink, pouring cool water from a hastily-rinsed coffee cup over his face, again and again and again as he screamed and spluttered and protested. The hardest part was keeping his hands pinned so he couldn’t rub his eyes.

He’s a stubborn child, our Sam, and he didn’t want any of it. He’s not a kid who runs to Mom and Dad when he’s hurt, and he will not acquiesce to being comforted if it offends his dignity. Which makes it a little difficult to maintain a calm, soothing tone while trying to minister to him.

Somehow, it all seemed horribly familiar.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I, For One, Welcome Our New Hircine Overlords

Obey The Goat!

(Seen here surveying his domain from his watchtower at Brown's Berry Patch.)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

C D B!

Busy Busy

Busy Busy Busy

10 Q, D, 4 D P-X.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


We’re looking at almost 100 degrees here today in the Flower City. Sheryl Crow comes on the radio, singing “Soak Up The Sun.” After the line about Got my 45 on, I look at D and say, “She’s really dating herself with that reference, isn’t she? I mean, who else remembers 45 records anymore besides me and thee?”

“I thought she was talking about sunscreen, actually,” sez D.

“That would be wise, wouldn’t it? I reckon most people are just gonna figure she’s packing heat.”