Wednesday, October 15, 2003

A Moment of Interblog Upsucking of the Kind I Usually Abhor

So, in a fit of weakness and vanity, I went and got myself one of those blog counter thingees: if you click on the little icon at the bottom of my sidebar (where it says "Blog Me Link Me Love Me"), you can see how many page views I've had, and how they got here, and all that stuff.

The counter's been active for less than 24 hours, but already my worst suspicions are confirmed: it's mostly just me looking at this thing. Not that surprising, really, given that I use my sidebar in lieu of a favorites folder in my browser, and so visit this page about a million times a day. Still.

It cracks me up, though, that my top three search engine keywords today are flyboy, death, and war. Ain't that always the way?

Speaking of Joe, he has begun to feel upon his shoulder the soft, creeping hand of domesticity, and he's both pleased and a little freaked out. Ain't that always the way?

That little feeling that you get, when you link to someone in your sidebar and they don't (for whatever reason) reciprocate—that little twinge of irritation, mingled with anxiety that maybe you're not as cool as you thought you were—is that an unworthy emotion for an intelligent, evolved person to have? Especially for someone who's made it a point to stay as aloof as possible from the incestuous, clubby nature of blogging (it's no go the comment feature, it's no go the LiveJournal, it's no go the RSS forever and eternal)?

Thought so.

Let me just point out, then, that Loz has got the coolest sidebar in all of blogdom. And I say that not out of any irrational desire to be, y'know, The Jack Of All Fears or The Duke Of Earl or The Queen Of Fucking Sheba or anything, but just because it's true.

Love you, babes.