Monday, January 05, 2004

A Few Brief Explanatory Notes on Überlist Items

#8 Bring the Bling!
Y'know, I've always had this weird puritanical horror of ornamentation. Aside from my wedding ring, I've never owned a piece of jewelry that I've worn regularly—not even my high school class ring. I don't wear a wristwatch: for a long time, I didn't even use cologne.

That changed a few years ago, when I finally found a scent that suited me. That opened a lot of doors, psychologically, guiding me to realize that while being decorative is no substitute for being useful, there's no reason you can't be both. After borrowing D's wolf-hammer-cross pendant a few times (and with Queer Eye goading me and the rest of the het-male population to be unafraid of adornment), I'd like to find some other accessories that work for me, even if it's as simple as a crucifix and a braided-hemp wristlet.

#48 Recycle
One of the greatest disappointments of our move to Rochester has been the loss of curbside recycling, Theoretically, the county offers it, but as far as I know our apartment complex is not signed on for pick-up. Back in Massachusetts, we recycled religiously; now I'm appalled by the amount of garbage we've been producing. There's got to be some sort of drop-by recycling center in the county, and I'm gonna find out where, when, and how to use it—and then use it.

UPDATE: As it turns out, our complex does have drop-off bins for county recycling. In fact they're about a hundred yards from my front door: I literally stumbled across them while on a random stroll with the kids. What makes this particularly infuriating is that repeated calls to the rental office months ago yielded me no useful information about recycling—everyone I spoke to was clueless—when those bins are within sight of that selfsame office!
#67 and #68 Finish OGN script Seven Souls; find an artist for Seven Souls
The specifics of this item are likely to change: I've got a number of scripts of middling length, in various stages of completion, that I need to buckle down and finish. It almost doesn't matter which one I finish, so long as I finish something. I plugged Seven Souls in there at random because it's the one I feel most enthusiastic about today.

#72 through #85—the "Our Fair City" category
We moved here six months ago and have only really started to explore the region: these exercises focus on integrating ourselves with the ccommunity.

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